Sophomore Schedules

Monday: Art & Econ
Tuesday: Lang/Lit & History
Wednesday: Music & Math
Thursday: Super Quiz (Geology) & Speech/Interview/Essay

Announcement: If you'd like to post a powerpoint, e-mail it to Ms. Kelly to post on Snapgrades. If you have lesson notes you'd like to post, e-mail it to me or your group lieutenant. Group lieutenants who don't have administrative privileges: please e-mail me (Sarah).

BTW, people. I don't think changes to individual section pages are e-mailed to people who follow the blog, so just check them every so often when they're updated. Or maybe someone left a blog about it.

16 Sept 2010: Kay, I'm getting depressed. Why don't you guys ever comment?! *cries a little*
Whatever. People who I've granted administrative privileges and already have a page up and running here: make your lesson announcements on your page. See Language & Literature page for reference.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Updates from Ms. Kelly! ^^

Here is the information for the AcaDec Bootcamp:

When:    July 19-23
Time:    9:00 - 12:00
Where:  SECA - AVID Room

We will concentrate on literature, speeches, and interviews.  Are you all thinking about your speech topics?!?!?  Have you been reading The Grapes of Wrath?!?!  Bring your books!

Attendance is not mandatory, but I do encourage you to attend.  Maybe we can work something out in regards to extra credit for attending?  I'm open to talking about that.

Jorelyn has your email addresses so she is sending out this email for me.  Please respond to me at: to let me know if you plan on attending.  I don't have a list of people who are in the class yet, so I'm counting on all of you to pass the word along.

I'm looking forward to a great, winning year.  This will be a good kick off! 

Ms. Kelly